Tuesday, October 6, 2015




Emotional fatigue can come from different sources. Burnout. Boredom. Excessive pressure. Working ridiculous hours without a break. Lack of recognition for hard work, especially when it has been successful. Office politics. Periods of transition where you are not quite clear yet on the new path you should take. You name it.

What to do to overcome such fatigue? Some suggestions: 

1. Distract the mind to give it a psychological space to relax and recharge. Watching old sitcoms that make you laugh, believe it or not, can do wonders. Along the same line, watching inspirational movies can both relax and give you a lift;

2. Read. Biographies are particularly great. Especially of great historical figures and other successful people. Everyone experienced bumps along the road and it is always instructive to read about how others have dealt with them;

3. Listen to great music. If it makes you dance to it, all the better;

4. Meditate. Meditation, with its focus on deep breathing, can be a great relaxer. Indeed, calculated, deep breathing is key to maintaining calm and control over your emotions and your body.

HOWEVER, *the* best way to get over the slump is to do what makes you tingle all over with excitement. *Passion*  can truly be the organizing principle of making everything else fall into place.

It is simply amazing how when you decide to do whatever it is that truly excites you, moves you, and/or 100% engages you, all of a sudden you once again feel good about yourself and about life in general - and as a result, you see everything from a different light, and the cosmos starts to align and things start to fall into the right place.

Do you love to paint? Paint. Do you love to write. Write. Do you love to run, dance, enjoy  nature? Do it. Your newfound joy will come through loud and clear. People will pick up on it, and you'll be amazed at the new doors and opportunities which will open up for you.


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