Thursday, July 23, 2015



15 seconds and life is never the same again. 
“You have cancer."
That sentence can be pretty devastating news. It can also change your life for the better.
Cancer, like all other illnesses, is a symptom of other things having gone array in your life. In my case, being an attorney, I was used to quite a bit of stress, but it got way out of hand. I was holding down basically three full time jobs, and sleeping little and poorly. As if that weren’t enough, politics intervened, making life pretty miserable, especially as our team got trampled by what seemed like a herd of buffalos in a debate with which we had nothing to do. It was a clash of big time interests, while we were only doing our job.
Sooo, having read a while ago some of Louise Hay’s books, when the doctor said “you have cancer,” I requested a two month grace period to sort things out. “You don’t have two months.” "Well, then, if I die, I die, but the underlying cause of all of this is a stress which got out hand, and I need to address that first before any further studies, etc, are done." Reluctantly, the doctor made an appointment for two months into the future.
When I returned two months later and had the necessary studies performed, I had nothing. The doctor could not believe it! “Not sure what happened here - either we made the wrong diagnosis, but that can’t be because we ran the tests three times, or a miracle has occurred!” Well, I’ll take the miracle any day, but to be fair, the miracle occurred because I devoted myself intensely to discovering and rooting out the psychosomatic causes of what ailed me. I acquired an extensive library of books on the subject, and did all the exercises and dug deep into myself to reflect on my life, where it had been and where it was going. Those books and accompanying exercises quite literally saved my life.
1st I discovered that cancer is a manifestation of a repressed ire. I had always considered myself a respectably happy person and so, ire? But when I dug deeply, I realized I indeed felt that the politicking had been vastly unfair, and that I resented it deeply, especially as I had no skin in that game.
Then, I worked on forgiving those who had gone after my team so viciously. This is actually the key part. Those that are doing the harm usually couldn’t care less about the outcome of their actions. All they care about are their interests, and whether rightly or wrongly, if they perceive you are in the way, their aim is to clear the path. Harboring resentment, on the other hand, only hurts you. So much so it can lead to  life-threatening illnesses.
Thus I worked on understanding that the system compelled them to act as they did, and that it certainly was not worth my life to continue harboring any resentments. I forgave them and took the whole episode as a learning lesson. So, life started looking good again, and the new diagnosis reflected that fact.
That’s when a superior power intervened. To be sure everything was now ok, the doctors insisted on performing a bronchoscopy, whereby they would insert tubes down my throat to my lungs to check there were no cancer cells doing their mischief. I didn’t care for the idea at all, particularly, as I explained to the doctors that due to an allergy, I could only breathe through my mouth. Nevertheless, more for my family’s and friend’s peace of mind, I agreed to the procedure.
To make a long story short, I flatlined. Something went terribly wrong and I stopped breathing. My sister later told me that the doctors went crazy trying to resuscitate me, and ended up calling all the doctors in the hospital to use their expertise to bring me back to life. Something finally worked. When I opened my eyes, all I could see were lots of heads bending over me and all of them issuing a huge sigh of relief. Apparently, it was just not my time to go.
The doctors wanted to repeat the procedure, but this time I categorically refused. I have been just fine since then. Not only have I been fine, but the entire journey into the world of psychosomatic responses to the stresses of life, not only helped me get to know myself better, but it also helped me understand others better as well. Plus, it opened a whole new array of very interesting horizons, at the same time that I now have an arsenal of tools with which to deal with stress to nip it in the bud. 
In the end analysis then, though a very tough experience, it may have been the best thing that happened to me at that moment in my life, as I discovered the immense power of the subconscious over the mind, not only to escape the clutches of any illness, but to proactively seek good and great things in life through belief, affirmations and faith. The following post is a perfect example. I would give credit where it is due, but I am not sure who the author is - whoever he or she is, thank you!
In case they may be of help to others, the 4 key books which helped me recover - they are also helpful for minor and medium ailments - are the following:
1. Medicine of the Soul (also aka Soul Medicine) by Eric Rolf. In Spanish, La Medicina del Alma. Can be found online. A book you will read time and time again and will always find helpful for all sorts of ailments, from the common cold to more serious illnesses. Eric Rolf at one time advised NASA.
2. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy, D.R.S., Ph.D., D.D., L.L.D. Provides actual affirmations to help your subconscious mind along in all sorts of scenarios: healing, buying a new house, finding a life partner, etc.
3. You Can Heal Your Life - especially the Work Book by Louise L. Hay. Helps surface what is troubling you at your core, and how you can overcome it. It really does help to put things in writing.
4. How to Stop Worrying & Start Living by Dale Carnegie. All of Dale Carnegie’s books are fabulous. His How to Make Friends & Influence People has been my bible since I was a teenager.  How to Stop Worrying & Start Living has great advice about how to lift the worry from your shoulders and get on with living a good life. 
5. Meditation is very helpful, especially as it helps deep breathing, which in turn is very calming and focusing. I found some CDs with guiding meditation, and they have served me extremely well - there are all sorts of variations in the market and online, just need to choose which ones better suit you.
The key is to stay positive, generous and forgiving; grateful for all the great things in your life, such as family, friends, pets, a roof over your head, an interesting job, wonderful blue skies - you name it! Helps to keep in mind that it ultimately is not the stress which causes the problem, it is your reaction to the stress that determines the outcome. Never suppress anything.
To conclude, here are my best wishes for you to lead a happy and healthy life! Cheers!

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